Welcome to our brand blog.

This blog contains useful articles and insights relating to strategic branding, graphic design and web design. With guest blogs from our associates you can keep up to speed with the latest tips on everything from colour trends, to social media marketing and SEO.

What is brand visual identity?

What is brand visual identity?

Brand visual identity is a visual representation of your brand. It brings the brand to life in a visual sense. And helps form the basis of how you want people to perceive you. In a nutshell, Visual Identity includes anything visual that you produce for your brand....

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What is brand identity? The power of your brand

What is brand identity? The power of your brand

The power of your brand and why you need to get it right What is brand identity? Or what is branding? These questions can often provoke the reaction ‘er, what…?’ or more often, a huge yawn. But brand identity is one of the most important aspects of building a...

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Simple Website Design Tips

Simple Website Design Tips

Due to popular demand, here's an updated post on my top five fav website design tips. I don't often write about website design, as our primary focus at az.design is branding combined with slick graphic design. However, I actually studied website design and development...

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A Purple logo: Is it the best colour for your brand?

A Purple logo: Is it the best colour for your brand?

Do you have a purple logo? If yes, then read on to see if it's the right colour for your brand. Purple is a secondary colour, created by mixing two primary colours (red & blue). It's directly opposite yellow on the colour wheel. Countries throughout the world use...

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Why do you need Brand Guidelines?

Why do you need Brand Guidelines?

I recently did a couple of talks and workshops on why it'm important to have brand guidelines, whether you're a mega brand, SME or single-owner business. In this article I explain the key takeaways from the talks. 1. What are Brand Guidelines? Brand Guidelines – also...

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Reasons to Rebrand

Reasons to Rebrand

I often get asked, "What are the main reasons to rebrand?" So, I thought I would write a blog post on the topic which should provide some clarity on the subject. A rebrand can feel like a fresh beginning, but it’s not always necessary or beneficial. Just because you...

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Ten Principles for Good Design

Ten Principles for Good Design

Dieter Rams is a German industrial designer who was responsible for the design of Braun’s consumer products for many years. In the 1970’s, he asked the question “Is my design a good design?”, and as a result he developed the 10 principles of good design. Ram’s...

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Top 5 Brands of 2019

Top 5 Brands of 2019

Ok we’re halfway through January 2020, but I thought I’d write a quick blogpost on the stand out brands of 2019. A mixture of brands that touched me personally in 2019 and also brands that seem to stand out to many as being successful. 1. A brand that makes the...

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The value of a strong Brand

The value of a strong Brand

Whether we realise it or not, many of the purchases we make are influenced by brand and design. From the clothes we wear and the food we buy, to the restaurants we eat in and the gyms we frequent; our choices as consumers increasingly define who we are and how others...

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Rebrand or Brand Refresh?

Rebrand or Brand Refresh?

BRAND REFRESH Is your logo out of date? Marketing feeling a little stale? Sales drying out? A brand refresh will help your business thrive. A brand refresh is a makeover for your company. Think of it as a better haircut. A new look that transforms how a person is...

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Is Magenta a good colour for your brand?

Is Magenta a good colour for your brand?

Magenta is a purplish, pinkish colour that works well in both RBG (digital) and CMYK (print). It's been a while since I wrote about colour, so I thought I'd write about some of the less popular choices, but by no means less vibrant! This month I thought I'd focus on...

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