Welcome to our brand blog.

This blog contains useful articles and insights relating to strategic branding, graphic design and web design. With guest blogs from our associates you can keep up to speed with the latest tips on everything from colour trends, to social media marketing and SEO.

the az.design process

the az.design process

DESIGN PROCESS I understand that no two projects are the same and aim to create an effective and memorable brand by following a simple five-stage design process. 1. Discovery We kick off with a briefing meeting to run through our client questionnaire with you. I...

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What is the best colour for your brand? – Red

What is the best colour for your brand? – Red

So - many of you that know me well will know that Red is my favourite colour. Why? Well, to begin with, red is a warm and positive colour, a very physical colour which draws attention to itself and calls for action to be taken. Somewhat like myself! Red is the colour...

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What is the best colour for your brand? – Blue

What is the best colour for your brand? – Blue

BEST COLOUR FOR YOUR BRAND Over the coming weeks, I shall be enlightening you with a series of articles on colour. These blogs will help you ascertain which is the best colour for your brand and business. The obvious place to start is with the most popular colour in...

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Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

In order for your clients to understand your brand, you must fully understand it yourself. I have put together this branding exercise to help you refine and clarify your brand strategy. If you find it hard to work on it on your own, why not contact me and we can work...

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