Brand design consultancy for established, small businesses.

We all know how important first impressions are.
Are you making the right one?

Cognomie rebrand: small business design agency

When was the last time you took a proper look at your branding? Your business is looking to the future, but outdated or inconsistent branding could be keeping you stuck in the past.

Everything from your social media templates to your website, print marketing, brochures and online presence contributes to the way clients – both present and potential – view you and your business. 

And while as a busy business owner a beautiful brand can feel like something ‘nice to have’, it can actually be the difference between securing new clients and losing new clients… who may even be opting for your competitors instead.

Perhaps your current branding is letting you down – does it feel outdated or out of whack with where your business is now?

Maybe you’re holding back on your digital marketing because you don’t feel proud of your website design, print marketing, social media or online presence? 

Take a look at your logo. Is it still the same as when you started out?

You may also be noticing that clients are seeing your business differently to how you want them to perceive it.

This can all happen when your brand is making the wrong impression. You need expert advice on how to bridge the gap between where you started and where you are now. 

And AZ Design can help.

A clear, consistent and professional brand is key to keeping you one step ahead of others in your industry, communicating your expertise, managing perceptions of your business and creating an aligned brand you feel proud of, allowing you to confidently and consistently market your business.

No in-house design team or brand manager? No problem. At AZ Design, we’re a small business design agency working as an extension of your team to create memorable brands that grow with your business.


We’re a perfect fit if:

  • You’ve been in business for two years or more, and you recognise the importance of a strong visual brand identity. 
  • You’re ready for branding that’s as professional as your business.
  • You’re a small business or between 2-50 employees, or a solopreneur.
  • You have no in-house design team.
  • You’re struggling to market your brand because you don’t feel proud of your visuals. They’re a bit all over the place and don’t feel like ‘you’ any more.
  • You don’t seem to be attracting the best-fit clients…
  • …or your competitors are attracting the ones you want to work with.
  • You want expert advice and implementation to create a standout brand you feel proud of.
  • You’d love to work with a small business design agency but want a personal, collaborative experience from start to finish.
Best website trends of 2022: Great Park Home care: care company branding

The times that AZ Design has gone the extra mile over and above the initial remit has ensured my company’s image and brand has a solid foundation from which to grow. Make the first call to Angela to discuss your needs and you’ll be reassured by her professionalism, vast expertise and ability to move your thinking to achieve your ultimate goal(s). It’ll seem scary, but what will finally be achieved will be of quality and integrity. Angela is great to work with. 

Co-Director and Owner Great Park Homecare


PCS Instruments rebrand brochure design

Working with Angela has been a pleasure, she took the time initially to fully understand our company ethos and requirements. As a result AZ Design produced an excellent brand guidelines document. With Angela’s continued support we are updating all of our marketing material to be consistent and inline with our new contemporary look.

Grace Hully
Sales and Marketing ManagerPCS Instruments


Go View London Estate Agent Branding

We’ve worked with Angela since 2015 and she has been brilliant for our business. Before we outsourced to, clients could not connect the depth of our service with the initial first impression, as our ethos was not reflected in our branding. Since working together, we have ignited the brand and given a greater framework to our company, enhancing our appeal to clients.

Donald Collins
Owner, Go View London


How can we support you and your brand? Here’s how it works.

No two projects are the same, but we keep our processes as simple as possible to create memorable brands with clarity and open communication.

small business design agency: our process: listen + understand


We often begin with a Brand Audit to fully understand how your brand is currently performing. This provides a comprehensive review and shows where improvements can be made. Alternatively, if you have a specific project in mind, we simply kick off with a briefing meeting to understand the scope of work, listening to your requirements and ideas. We advise and suggest areas for improvement you may not have thought about. To create the best brands takes input from both sides – it’s teamwork. We provide the structure and questions to prompt answers and clarity from you.

small business design agency: our process: design + produce


Now it’s time for the creation phase: logo design or refresh, colour palette, fonts, imagery and graphics – communicating your brand clearly and concisely using strong, proven graphic design principles. Depending on your needs, we can then design and produce all your marketing tools. Think websites or social media templates and any printed materials. We pride ourselves on our network of experts. If you need additional services in other areas, we can advise or pull a virtual team together from our extensive list of trusted photographers, copywriters, SEO specialists, marketers, web and app developers and many more.

small business design agency: our process: advise + support


Throughout the entire process we are here to help and will be at the end of the phone or on email to answer any questions – well beyond the end of the project. In fact, we love working with you on an ongoing basis and also offer ongoing retainer or pay-on-demand services. We like to think of ourselves as an external team member, supporting all your brand, design and digital needs. For us, it’s all about being a part of our clients’ brand and business growth. In fact, a lot of our clients have been with us for over five years.

Brand consultancy & design services we offer SMEs and small business owners, like you:

  • Print + digital design services. Support your marketing objectives and reach your business goals.
  • Brand design. From a full rebrand to a refresh.
  • Web design. Update or relaunch your online presence with an impactful website designed with user experience front of mind.
  • Brand consultancy + brand guidelines. So that anyone new to your business has a clear understanding of your branding.
  • Logo design. Memorable logo marks for web design, marketing materials and marketing campaigns.
  • Long term support. We can operate as a trusted design resource and an extension of your team to help you grow your business.